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Learn together, grow together


As the Headteacher of Coombe Hill Infants’ School, it is a real pleasure and privilege to welcome you to our school website. This website has been organised in response to consultation with parents and staff. It has been designed to give you all the information you need as a parent or prospective parent. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact the school office.  We hope that you will get a feel for our ethos and values. We work hard to provide the best education for all of our children, within a nurturing, friendly and diverse environment.

Janet Berry, Headteacher


Please see our Virtual Tour of Coombe Hill Infants' School: 


Dates for Prospective parent tours - Reception 2025


Recently, we were made aware of a scam experienced by a few of our parents. We alerted you to this via email and asked that you be vigilant and let us know if you receive any unwanted calls using our school name as a means to access funds.

Like any organisation, our school has the potential to be at risk from scams.  We want you to know that we will never phone you to ask you for donations for fundraising or otherwise. We would ask you to be vigilant and contact the school if you have any concerns.  

'We are delighted that we have received the Silver Rights Respecting Award in September 2024.'

A lovely Forest School session at After-school club where the children weaved Valentine's hearts made from Willow.

New Malden Fire Brigade Visit

Our Year 2 Children enjoyed a visit from the New Malden Fire Brigade. They were able to see the workings of a real fire engine and understand the role of firefighters. 

They learnt about some common fire hazards and how to keep homes safe from fire.



 The children thoroughly enjoyed the sponsored bounce-a-thon. Thank you to all that sponsored the the children for this event.






Upcoming Events

    There are currently no upcoming events.