Fabulous Fundraising Totals
We really do have the best PTA, families, friends and staff here at Coombe Hill Infant School. Over the last month we have held several fundraising events, and you have all been so generous. Firstly, CHIPTA and CHJPTA organised the brilliant 50th Anniversary Fireworks Display, featuring the unique 'Coombe Hill 50th Firework', which raised nearly £6,000 between the two schools. A truly amazing total, and so much fun. Our annual Poppy Appeal raised £325.99 for the British Legion, and finally our wonderful joint Christmas Fair, again organised by CHIPTA and CHJPTA, raised over £5,000 between the Infant and the Junior Schools. CHIPTA also runs weekly cake sales, the proceeds of which go directly to the classes, and which usually raise over a £100. Well done everyone!