Get Involved
How to get involved
We welcome any parent to become more involved with CHIPTA and our work to raise money and support the school. There’s no better way to know what’s happening, have your say or make suggestions than by offering your help and support. You’ll get to know the teaching staff and your children will love seeing you so involved in school life. There are opportunities for you to get involved all year round, including:
- Join a committee to run an event such as the Christmas Fair, Summer Fair, Discos or Ceilidh
- Volunteer to help out at events such as apple pressing day, discos, cake sales or swim lessons
- Become a Class Rep
- Help out with a CHIPTA newsletter and other marketing
- Come along to the next CHIPTA meeting
- Join the committee!
CHITPA meetings take place every half term. Please check the calendar for the next meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!
Have you signed up to yet? This is a quick and simple way to raise money for CHIPTA whenever you are shopping online with nearly 3000 retailers.
Please visit this link and register. Each time you make an online purchase, log on to select the retailer you want and make your purchase as normal.
Every purchase you make will generate a donation to CHIPTA, without costing you a penny!
Corporate Match Funding
Match funding is a simple way for CHIPTA to grow income. If you work for a company or organisation with a match funding policy, money made by the school could be matched by a donation from your employer. This could mean the doubling of £300 proceeds from a class cake sale, or even doubling up on profits from the Christmas fair, which brings in over £4,000. Read more and find out if your company might be able to help.
Contact us
If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to help out then please get in touch!