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How We Work

The governing body normally meets six times a year as a whole group and in committees during the intervening times.

The committees are:

  • Community, Children & Safeguarding
  • Curriculum & Standards
  • Resources
  • Health and Safety

After each committee meeting a report is written and presented to all governors at the next meeting of the Full Governing Body (FGB).

The FGB also receives a termly report from the Headteacher and the Chair of Governors.

The minutes from governor meetings are available from the school office via

The Chair of Governors meets with the Headteacher every fortnight to discuss issues and updates on how the school is running, highlighting any initiatives, achievements and concerns. 

Our governors regularly visit the school and attend special events and assemblies. Each governor is linked to a class or Year group so the children get to know them well throughout their time at the school.