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News and Events

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  • World Daily Mile Day

    Published 27/04/23

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • Health & Happiness Week

    Published 02/12/22
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  • News from Namanyanga School, Malawi

    Published 22/11/22
    We welcomed Mrs Speak, one of our ex-members of staff back to school last week. Mrs Speak is involved in the African Vision Malawi project. The goal is to establish a relationship between the two countries through correspondence. African Vision Malaw
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  • Remembrance Sunday

    Published 22/11/22
    We were very proud of our pupils for taking part in the Remembrance Day Ceremony in New Malden. Our children laid a wreath in commemoration of those who have died in wars and other military conflicts since the onset of World War I. We also held two m
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  • Ex-pupil's Superstar Performance

    Published 22/11/22
    Ex-pupil and International Rugby Star Sarah Bern returned home after a fantastic performance at the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand. Although the result wasn't as they had hoped, the team played their hearts out and we are so proud of their effort
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  • Spectacular Fireworks at Coombe Hill!

    Published 15/11/22
    We were treated to a spectacular firework display, organised by the schools' wonderful PTAs. The event was a sell out - and raised an incredible £5000 for the two schools!                
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  • A Sporting Superstar in the Family!!

    Published 08/11/22
    We are thrilled to report that our very own Mrs Bern's daughter, Sarah Bern, is competing in the Women's Rugby World Cup Final in New Zealand, on 12th November 2022. The team earned a place in the final, beating Canada, another very stro
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  • Mayoral Visit to Coombe Hill Infants'

    Published 08/11/22
    We were pleased to welcome The Worshipful the Mayor of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, Councillor Yogan Yoganathan MBE, to our school on Tuesday. We held a special assembly and Mr Mayor told the children what it was like 
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  • Happy Diwali!

    Published 02/11/22

    On Tuesday 1st November, we celebrated Diwali at School!

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  • Famous Author Duncan Beedie visits CHI

    Published 18/10/22
    We were thrilled last week to welcome the well known children's author Duncan Beedie to our school. Duncan is the author and illustrator of many wonderful books. He visited every classroom and shared his books; showed us how to dra
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  • Year 2 and The Great Fire of London

    Published 18/10/22
    Year 1 had an exciting day with the Matrix Theatre, recreating the Great Fire of London. Our children had fun dressing up as characters from 1666 and learned more about how the fire started and spread so quickly.  The Great Fire of London is jus
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  • Mini London Marathon 2022

    Published 18/10/22
    This year we have taken part in the Mini London Marathon in Schools event. All of our children ran 2.6 miles over the course of a week - this is a superb achievement for our pupils. As a school, we are keen to promote healthy eating and exercise, and
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