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News and Events

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  • Science Week in the Library

    Published 14/03/22
    Mrs Earl has written the following about Science in the library. As Science Week is being celebrated at the school, I had to make sure that this was featured in the library. Science is a huge subject that spans many aspects of life and a huge
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  • Ukraine Aid

    Published 14/03/22
    Thank you to the amazing Coombe Hill families for your generous donations. Mrs Kryvoruchko organised the collection and we are so grateful to her for providing us with the opportunity to help. Mrs Kryvoruchko has an instagram page whic
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  • International Women's Day

    Published 09/03/22
    Our wonderful parent volunteer, Mrs Earl, has been doing a fantastic job in our library. She has also created themed displays for our children. This week's focus is International Women's Day and she has chosen some books tha
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  • England Rugby Star Visits Coombe Hill Infants'

    Published 03/03/22
    We were so excited to have England Women's Rugby Star Sarah Bern visit our school today and give an inspirational assembly to our children. She told our children about her time at Coombe Hill infants' - she was in Bee class - a
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  • World Book Day 2022

    Published 03/03/22
    We have had a wonderful day celebrating books today.  Your children have amazed us with their creativity and great knowledge of their favourite books.  We are so pleased that World book Day is not just a dressing up day.  It&nb
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  • Coombe Hill In Space!

    Published 02/03/22
    Our children have been invited to enter the UK Space Agency's fantastic competition called Logo Lift Off, giving them the opportunity to design a logo for new satellites that will be launched in 2022 from the UK. The website bel
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  • Tommy Brock Visits Coombe Hill!

    Published 11/02/22
    Well, maybe not THE Tommy Brock, but definitely one of his relations. This beautiful video was taken by our Forest School Teacher, Mrs Young, using her motion sensor camera. Mrs Young had long suspected that there were badgers in the Forest School ar
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  • Bouncetastic CHIPTA Bounceathon!!

    Published 11/02/22
    The arrival of the enormous bouncy castle caused great excitement amongst our children on Thursday. They couldn't wait to take their turns, bouncing their hearts out to raise money for the school. The children bounced in small groups whilst th
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  • Safe Surfing!

    Published 08/02/22
    Tuesday 8th Feb 2022 is Safer Internet Day!  In school this week, teachers will be talking to the children about how to be safe when using computers and devices. This is an important conversation and it is never too early to start discussin
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  • Get Your Bounce On!

    Published 02/02/22
    The Brilliant CHIPTA Bounceathon Fundraiser is back - on Thursday 10th Feb!  Our children will be sponsored to try to bounce as many times as possible in twenty minutes. Sponsor by the bounce, or by the minute, or just because
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  • Year 1 Football Festival

    Published 19/01/22
    Our fabulous football team played in a local schools tournament on Tues 18th January. Match Report from our wonderful Love The Ball Coach Rudy: Vs Corpus Christi: Evenly matched game with both teams going for the win. Unfortunately w
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  • The Spark! Awards Are Back

    Published 19/01/22
    Exciting news - our school is involved in the Spark! School Book Awards again this year. The aim is for children across schools in the south-east to read four shortlisted books in their age category over the next few months, then take part
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