Art & Design
Vision: We learn together as we explore new techniques, media and the work of great practitioners. We grow together as we create, develop and share our ideas and let our imaginations shine.
At Coombe Hill Infants School, we aim to deliver a high-quality Art and Design provision which equips children with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. Our teaching staff agree that we are aiming for the same endpoint - we want our children to begin to think more critically and develop a deep understanding of how art and design reflect and shape the world around us.
Curriculum Implementation
At Coombe Hill Infants School, we ensure the children are taught a range of skills and techniques and have opportunities to work with different media. Art and Design is linked very closely to our Power of Reading books and topics. All staff have a clear and ambitious vision for providing high quality teaching of Art and Design. Our curriculum is designed to allow children to …
- explore their creativity and use a range of materials, e.g. paint, pastels, charcoal, crayons, pencils, clay, textiles, collage, printing to design their own work
- develop an understanding that ideas, imagination and experiences can be expressed through art
- have opportunities to use and explore different techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space
- learn about the works of illustrators, artists, sculptors, designers and craft makers - making links between the styles of different artists and their own work
- expect that the teacher’s own speaking and listening in Art and Design, supports children in developing their language and vocabulary
Oracy in all subjects
Our curriculum design allows for as many speaking opportunities as possible as our teachers understand that speaking and listening are at the heart of language. Not only are they the foundations for reading and writing, they are also essential skills for thinking and communication. Our teachers are role models for good spoken English, using ambitious vocabulary and correct grammar. Children are encouraged to read aloud, discuss ideas with their peers and teachers, engage with and learn new vocabulary to extend their spoken and receptive vocabulary.
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