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Design and Technology


We grow together to become independent, resourceful and creative innovators.

Curriculum Intent

At Coombe Hill Infant School, we aim to deliver a high-quality Design and Technology provision which enables children to learn how to take risks and become independent, resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens.  Our teaching staff agree that we are aiming for the same endpoint - we want our children to begin to use their creativity to design and make products that solve problems and have a purpose.

Designing and making…….something, for somebody, for some purpose.

Curriculum Implementation 

At Coombe Hill Infant School, we ensure that children are taught, through a variety of creative and practical activities, the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to design and make purposeful products.  Design and Technology is linked very closely to our Power of Reading books and topics. All staff have a clear and ambitious vision for providing high quality teaching of Design and Technology which allows children to design, make and evaluate.  Our curriculum is designed to allow children to ……

  • encourage children to design purposeful, functional appealing products for themselves and other users based on their own designs (see photos of our pencil cases and lighthouses), and to communicate their ideas through talking, drawing and making
  • make, using a range of tools and equipment (cutting, shaping, joining and finishing)
  • select from and use a wide range of materials and components
  • evaluate a range of existing products and evaluate their own ideas and products against their design 
  • use their technical knowledge to build structures and then improve them (make them stronger, stiffer, more stable)
  • explore and use mechanisms (levels, sliders, wheels, axles)
  • expect that the teacher’s own speaking and listening in Design and technology, supports children in developing their language and vocabulary


Cooking and nutrition

At Coombe Hill Infant School, we take every opportunity to cook with the children, linking it to our learning in other areas of the curriculum.  

One of our Wellbeing weeks focuses on healthy eating and nutrition.  We encourage healthy eating in our lunch hall by asking the children to make their plate colourful with vegetables and salad and we also ensure the children try new foods.  

At fruit time and during cooking sessions, we take the opportunity to discuss where our fruit and vegetables come from.  Throughout the year, we ensure children have first hand experiences of planting (and eating!) herbs potatoes, strawberries, green beans, etc.

During International Month, we take the opportunity to taste a wide variety of foods from all over the world, inspired by our multicultural school community.

Oracy in all subjects

Our curriculum design allows for as many speaking opportunities as possible as our teachers understand that speaking and listening are at the heart of language.  Not only are they the foundations for reading and writing, they are also essential skills for thinking and communication.  Our teachers are role models for good spoken English, using ambitious vocabulary and correct grammar.  Children are encouraged to read aloud, discuss ideas with their peers and teachers, engage with and learn new vocabulary to extend their spoken and receptive vocabulary.


Useful Links

BBC Bitesize Design and Technology

BBC Teach- Design and Technology