PSHE and Relationship Education
Curriculum Intent
At Coombe Hill Infant School, we aim to deliver a high-quality PSHE and Relationship Education provision which ensures children become healthy, positive and responsible members of our community. Our teaching staff agree that we are aiming for the same endpoint - we want our children to be able to know and value who they truly are and understand how they relate to each other in this ever-changing world. We do not teach sex education.
Curriculum Implementation
All staff have a clear and ambitious vision for providing high quality teaching of PSHE and Relationship Education. Our curriculum is designed to allow children to develop and thrive in their learning and social development. At Coombe Hill Infant School, we use Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE which is a spiral and progressive approach to PSHE. This approach brings together Personal, Social, Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning. It is a whole school approach and is delivered through assemblies and through in-class teaching. The themes across the year are:
Term 1: Being Me in My World
Term 2: Celebrating Difference (including anti-bullying)
Term 3: Dreams and Goals
Term 4: Healthy Me
Term 5: Relationships
Term 6: Changing Me
We also have our Learning Behaviours which help our children focus on different behaviours which can help them with their learning and play:-
Respectful - Winnie the Pooh
Resilient - Tigger
Responsible - Kanga
Resourceful - Owl
Reasoning - Eeyore
Ready - Piglet
Relationships - Rabbit
The language around these behaviours is used by children and teaching staff and the children are rewarded in a sticker assembly each week.
We have three Wellbeing Weeks across the year focusing on mental wellbeing, healthy eating and staying healthy through exercise.
The Daily Mile is part of our whole school routine and encourages children to see exercise as a part of their daily lives.
We offer Emotional Literacy Support in school which is delivered by our two ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support assistants) who have been trained by our Educational Psychologist Service. The ELSAs provide bespoke packages of support for individuals and groups of children on themes such as: social skills, emotions, bereavement, social and therapeutic stories, anger management and self-esteem. Sessions are child-led and fun, using a range of activities such as: games, role-play, arts and crafts.
Oracy in all subjects
Our curriculum design allows for as many speaking opportunities as possible as our teachers understand that speaking and listening are at the heart of language. Not only are they the foundations for reading and writing, they are also essential skills for thinking and communication. Our teachers are role models for good spoken English, using ambitious vocabulary and correct grammar. Children are encouraged to read aloud, discuss ideas with their peers and teachers, engage with and learn new vocabulary to extend their spoken and receptive vocabulary.
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