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The Governing Body plays a key role in helping to oversee the strategic direction of the school, working in partnership with Janet Berry and her Senior Leadership Team.

Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Becky Buckley and she can be contacted via the Clerk to Governors or by the school office as follows:

via email  or by school office phone number 020 8942 9481or in writing to:

Mrs Becky Buckley

Chair of Governors

Coombe Infants' Hill School

Coombe Lane West

Kingston upon Thames



The governing body is a ‘critical friend’ of the school and, as such, seeks to ensure that the school fulfils its aims and objectives and meets statutory requirements.

Our governors are involved in overseeing curriculum policies, appointing staff, care and maintenance of the building, monitoring grounds and equipment and setting the budget. Governors also work closely with the school to create a School Development Plan and ensure it is acted upon.

School governors hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils. They oversee financial performance of the school, making sure its money is well spent. This is done through formal committee and full board meetings, regular visits to the school, and by talking to staff, pupils and parents. 

12 Facts about our School Governors HERE


Governor / Parent drop in session

Each term  Becky Buckley, our Chair of Governors, holds a drop in session at school where you are invited to come along and meet her.  The date of the next session will be published here and in the school newsletter.